A series

Doing research with integrity

This series of 2-hour workshops is especially useful to scholarly librarians, emerging supervisors and postgraduate students.‍‍

This series Includes:

Workshops in this series can be selectively opted for and/or tailored depending on the nature of the disciplines.

Scholarly writing with integrity

Scholarly writing with integrity

To be ethical and practice research integrity, it is important for scholarly authors and postgraduate students to comply with the copyright law and to acknowledge sources they use in their writing.

This workshop addresses the fundamentals of research integrity, copyright compliance, citation and referencing, plagiarism and relevant writing skills. Useful online resources will be provided to attendees.

Scholarly communication and deceptive publishing practices

Scholarly communication and deceptive publishing practices

Scholarly authors are faced with many questionable practices when citing third-party sources or publishing their works, which has negative implications for their reputation, status, and tenure.

This workshop discusses the different types of scholarly communication and quality criteria for scholarship and provides criteria and tips on how to identify reputable publishers and avoid questionable or predatory publishing practices. Various tools and resources will be provided in the workshop.

Facilitator: Denise Nicholson

Reading and using right literature safely-an academic perpective

Reading and using right literature safely-an academic perpective

The scholarly reputation of many academics and institutions is at risk because of questionable science. Questionable scientific practices such as predatory publishing, citation pollution, and plagiarism can corrupt academic evaluation systems, hurt professional disciplines, and lead to wastage of resources.

This workshop looks at questionable scientific trends, the impact of questionable science,and how to avoid getting caught up in these unscrupulous practices. The workshop particularly addresses the following key question: "Are you reading and using the right literature safely?".

Facilitator: Professor Kirstin Krauss

Librarians and postgraduates - working together in the research process

Librarians and postgraduates - working together in the research process

Librarians provide the professional assistance and core resources for researchers, lecturers and undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as professional staff at tertiary institutions. Libraries are custodians, not copyright owners,of their collections, unless they have published the works or have been assigned copyright by the rights owners.

This workshop has two parts:

Part 1 provides librarians with the basics of copyright law to empower them to apply the law and advise their users on the requirements of the law, the available exceptions for research, teaching and personal use and compliance in general. It also covers advocacy for better national copyright laws, especially for research, education, libraries and archives, and for persons with disabilities.

Part 2 of the workshop provides advice for librarians, especially new graduates, on customer care and communication in the academic environment; the role that librarians play in the research process; the basic steps in the research process ; and promotion of library resources and other research resources.

Facilitator: Denise Nicholson