A Learning Experience Awaits You

Ensuring that we continue to empower and equip you to optimally gain from WWIS products and services. Offering dedicated and proactive learning support that will yield a lasting positive customer experience.

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A Research Integrity Webinar: Navigating AI and Scholarly Publishing

AI-driven research tools and chatbots offer benefits and ethical risks for scholarly research. Questionable AI-generated or AI-driven research is becoming a complex minefield for researchers to navigate, and the integrity of science is under threat. This research integrity webinar will discuss navigating AI-driven technologies in scholarly publishing.

Join us as we hear from industry specialists on this pertinent topic.

Merle Werbeloff will discuss writing a literature review ethically using AI tools, Denise Nicholson will discuss strategies to avoid deceptive publishing practices and safeguard your work and reputation, and Kirstin Krauss will provide practical tips on maintaining research integrity and scientific relevance when using AI-driven research tools in academic writing.oin in

August 15, 2024
3:00 PM
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What is the Academy about?

The WWIS Academy was established as another channel through which to offer our customers dedicated support and training for the products and solutions that they subscribe to through WWIS. The aim is to offer our customers an easy-to-access platform to quickly source information and content to better equip them to optimally use their products, tools and solutions and this is echoed in our purpose, vision and mission.

The Purpose

To offer dedicated and proactive learning support that will yield a lasting positive customer experience.

The Vision

To empower and equip our customers to gain optimally from their WWIS products and services.

The Mission

Keeping our customers at the heart of what we do.

What does the Academy offer?

The Academy strives to offer support for librarians and researchers through upskilling around topics like, amongst others;

- Tools to help you kickstart your research journey
- Strengthening your NRF submission and enhancing your research profile
- Managing predatory publishing and citation pollution
- Library collection development with evidence-based data
- Supporting and contributing to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

The WWIS Academy offers a blended approach to learning by delivering content through different methodologies because we appreciate that everyone has a different learning style/preference so we have made learning available through:product videos, webinars, online learning (not live yet) and also marketing resources for librarians.
We will also soon be offering PhD workshops that will focus on advanced research and analytical techniques required to undertake high level research in your field.

When was the Academy officially launched?

We are proud that our long-standing Vision of starting an academy officially launched on 13th June 2022.

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