MS Office Workshops

Our MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint workshops are crafted to address basic and intermediate skill levels practically.


MS Word

One-day in-person workshop.

Basic Content:

  • Introduction to MS Word Interface: Navigating the Ribbon and understanding key featuresrelevant to academic writing and professional correspondence.
  • Document Setup for Academic Writing: Setting up margins, pagination, and choosingappropriate fonts and spacing for theses and academic papers.
  • Creating and Formatting Documents: Emphasizing text formatting techniques that enhancereadability and professionalism in theses writing and formal letters.
  • Styles, Templates and Themes: Using and customizing styles for headings, subheadings, andtext to ensure consistency in thesis documents. Introduction to themes for creating visuallycohesive letters.

Intermediate Content:

  • Advanced Document Structuring: Techniques for managing long documents, including the useof section breaks for different chapters and appendices in thesis writing.
  • References and Citations: Utilizing Word’s reference management features to insert citations,manage sources, and create bibliographies according to various academic styles (e.g., APA,MLA, Chicago).
  • Table of Contents and Figures, Indexing and Cross Referencing: Automatically generating atable of contents and indexes, crucial for navigating long academic documents like thesis.Cross referencing headings, sections and page numbers for automatic updating.
  • Professional Letter Writing: Advanced formatting and layout techniques for creatingprofessional and academic letters, including letterhead design, alignment, and spacing.
  • Collaboration and Revision Tools: Leveraging Track Changes, Comments, and the Review tabfor collaborative thesis editing and letter review, facilitating peer review, and advisorfeedback; using Grammerly.

This tailored content ensures that academic librarians are well-equipped to support students andfaculty in the critical tasks of thesis writing and professional correspondence.

MS Excel

One-day in-person workshop.

Basic Content:

  • Excel Basics: Understanding workbooks, worksheets, and basic data entry.
  • Formulas and Functions: Introduction to common formulas and functions (SUM, AVERAGE,MIN, MAX).
  • Basic Data Analysis: Sorting and filtering data to find specific information.
  • Creating Charts: Visualizing data with basic charts (bar, line, pie).

Intermediate Content:

  • Advanced Formulas: More complex functions (VLOOKUP, IF statements) and theirapplications.
  • Data Validation: Ensuring data integrity through validation rules.
  • Conditional Formatting: Highlighting data based on specific criteria.
  • PivotTables and PivotCharts: Summarizing data findings and trends for reports andpresentations.
  • Importing and Exporting Data: Import variously formatted data files for data analysis.Exporting analysed data files in different formats for compatibility with different platforms.

MS PowerPoint

One-day in-person workshop.

Basic Content:

  • Getting Started with PowerPoint: Understanding the interface, creating new presentations,and choosing themes.
  • Creating Slides: Adding and formatting text, inserting images, and using shapes.
  • Adding Transitions and Animations: Making presentations more dynamic with entry and exitanimations.
  • Presenting: Tips for effective presentations, including speaker notes and rehearsal features.

Intermediate Content:

  • Advanced Slide Design: Customizing slide backgrounds, working with SmartArt, and leveragingmaster slides for consistent formatting.
  • Embedding Media: Inserting and editing video and audio for more engaging presentations.
  • Interactive Elements: Adding action buttons and hyperlinks for non-linear presentations.
  • Collaboration and Sharing: Sharing presentations, collaborating in real-time, and deliveringpresentations remotely.
  • For each module, hands-on exercises, real-world examples specific to library managementand academic research, and interactive Q&A sessions will ensure that emerging academiclibrarians not only understand these tools but also can apply them effectively in their workenvironments.